Can You Reverse Gingivitis?

If you’ve noticed bleeding gums when you brush, you might have gingivitis. While this condition is relatively common, it’s important to take note of it and take steps to protect your oral health. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease, and if allowed to progress, it can lead to more serious oral health problems.

But there’s good news! Gingivitis doesn’t usually cause permanent damage, so with proper care and attention, gingivitis can be reversed. Your dentist can help you with tips on how to ward off this common oral health issue and support your dental care with regular checkups.

What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a common dental problem that causes inflammation in the gums and it can affect people of any age. As many as 1 out of every 2 Canadians have gingivitis that could lead to tooth loss. The earliest sign is typically bleeding gums, especially after brushing or flossing.

When talking about gingivitis, we’re really talking about the first stage of gum disease. And it all starts with plaque.

What Is Plaque?

We’ve all experienced plaque to some extent. It’s a clear, sticky buildup of bacteria that develops on the tooth throughout the day. It comes from perfectly normal use, such as chewing food, and you can typically easily remove it by brushing and flossing.

However, if plaque is left unchecked, it can harden into tartar. You’ll likely need professional cleaning to remove tartar. And you’ll want it removed, too, since tartar can cause an infection at the point of attachment between your teeth and gums.

Without proper care, this may lead to periodontitis, a gum disease that breaks down the connecting gum tissue and jaw bone. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can prevent periodontitis from leading to abscesses or serious tooth damage.

Symptoms of Gingivitis

Signs and symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Tender gums
  • Red gums
  • Bad breath
  • Puffy gums

If you notice these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your dentist to get an accurate diagnosis.

Preventing Gingivitis

More often than not, you can prevent gum disease if it’s diagnosed during the gingivitis stage. Below are some tips to help you support your oral health.

Brush & Floss

Brush your teeth and tongue twice daily for a fresh mouth and a healthy smile. Flossing daily is equally important as it removes hidden plaque between teeth. When picking out oral care products, look for the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) Seal of Recognition. It's your assurance that the product has been vetted by CDA and shown to be beneficial for oral health.

Brush in a circular motion and focus on the areas where teeth and gums meet. Try changing up your brushing pattern every so often. It’s normal to miss a spot when you’re brushing, and when you brush the same way, you’ll likely keep missing it. Try something new to help yourself cover your entire smile.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

A balanced diet with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals is necessary for good oral health. A diet high in sugar can cause bacteria to grow and produce acids that can damage your teeth and gums. Instead, eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Check Your Gums

Many of gingivitis’s first signs are seen on the gums. Check them regularly for puffiness, redness, or bleeding. If you suspect you have gingivitis, tell your dentist at your next appointment.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is a significant factor behind dental problems in general and can cause oral cancer. Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to reduce your chances of oral health problems.

Don’t Skip Dental Appointments

Regular dental appointments are vital for maintaining good oral health. Schedule an appointment with a dentist every 6 months. A dentist can check for signs of gum disease and oral cancer. Early detection of gum disease can prevent it from worsening and causing complications.

What’s more, if plaque becomes tartar, your dentist may be able to remove it with a thorough cleaning and offer additional advice to improve your oral health.


You Can Reverse Gingivitis

Don't let gingivitis get in the way of your bright smile. This sneaky condition can manifest into serious oral issues if we turn a blind eye. However, It's reversible with proper oral hygiene and timely intervention. So, remember to brush, floss, and keep plaque at bay.

If you see signs of gingivitis, our team at Green Grove Dental is here to help. We're committed to keeping your smile bright and healthy, providing accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.

Book your appointment today!