How To Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?


Dental implants can be an excellent solution for someone who has lost a tooth. And they are typically meant to be a long-term solution—but not permanent. However, with 50-80% of crowned implants lasting 15–20 years, they are a long-term solution for many people. Ultimately, how you care for your teeth and implants determines how long they will last. With poor …

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How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

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Dental implants can be an excellent solution for someone who has lost a tooth. And they are typically meant to be a long-term solution—but not permanent. However, with 50-80% of crowned implants lasting 15–20 years, they are a long-term solution for many people. Ultimately, how you care for your teeth and implants determines how long they will last. With poor …

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How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign?

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Everyone deserves a smile they’re proud to show off, but traditional braces may not be right for every lifestyle. Invisalign is a nearly invisible alternative to help straighten teeth and improve your jaw’s bite. Every treatment plan is different, and how long it will take depends on the complexity of your teeth and bite. While treatment length varies, many people …

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How Do Dentists Fix Cavities?

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Dental cavities are a common disease that cause holes in the teeth, typically due to acid in the mouth. This causes tooth enamel to erode. Cavities usually result from improper dental hygiene practices and can cause general discomfort. If left untreated, they can lead to other more serious dental issues. Your dentist will fix a cavity by removing the decay, …

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How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Edmonton?


Dental cavities are a common disease that cause holes in the teeth, typically due to acid in the mouth. This causes tooth enamel to erode. Cavities usually result from improper dental hygiene practices and can cause general discomfort. If left untreated, they can lead to other more serious dental issues. Your dentist will fix a cavity by removing the decay, …

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How Much Is Teeth Whitening in Edmonton?


Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can help improve the look of stained, discoloured teeth. If you’re considering teeth whitening in the Edmonton area, you may be curious about the costs associated. Generally, you’ll find a range of prices depending on your staining or discoloration and whether you opt for an in-office, at-home, or a combination approach. …

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How Long Can You Leave a Cavity Untreated?


We all want our teeth to stay healthy, but sometimes, cavities can be unavoidable! This blog post seeks to answer how long you can leave a cavity untreated. Untreated cavities can affect your tooth quickly, especially if left without treatment. In as few as 3–6 months, the cavity could reach the nerve and cause irreparable damage. Individuals need to know …

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How long does freezing from the dentist last?

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How Long Does Freezing From The Dentist Last? Making a trip to the dentist for some, can cause a bit of discomfort and stress. If your trip is going to include some form of “freezing” or local anesthetic, possibly due to the need of having a filling, it can make the trip a little bit overwhelming. There are always options …

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Are you put to sleep for a root canal?

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Are you put to sleep for a root canal? Sometimes undergoing a procedure, such as a root canal, can be quite stressful. Even just talking about a root canal can make people feel uneasy. Not to worry! This is quite common for most people and at Green Grove dental, we want to make sure that your visit to us is …

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Levels of Sedation Dentistry


It’s not uncommon to feel a certain amount of anxiety around visiting the dentist. Sedation dentistry offers a way to have a relaxed and comfortable visit. You may also need sedation for some procedures, like getting a filling to deal with tooth decay. Your dentist can explain the specific sedation options they offer, but the three common levels of sedation …

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